
Bakhoun school PV


You are invited to participate to the RFQ of solar PV modules for Bakhoun Technical College


The envisaged project falls under the category of renewable energy for educational public institutions. It consists of the installation of a Photovoltaic PV Solar system on the roof of a remote public vocational technical school, Bakhoun public technical college, located in the north of Lebanon in the village of Bakhoun. The college provides technical vocational education for 900 students from both sexes including Lebanese and Syrians refugees.

The project is located in Bakhoun that falls under Union of municipalities of Dinniyeh which prepared the Sustainable Energy Access & Climate Action Plans (SEACAPs) that enables the beginning of financial mobilization for the actions that better the town or village’s mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions and/or climate change adaptation.


The college currently runs on fuel engine generators and the utility grid. The college management is suffering due to the Syrian refugee crisis that has led public schools to take on two shifts in addition to the burden of electricity costs considering excessive blackouts, high diesel cost and shortage of diesel.


The technical college in addition to the municipality are willing to start a great step towards sustainable energy for improving the environment by reducing the amount of carbon emissions and for cutting energy costs.


LSES is targeting to implement a solar PV system and LED Lighting retrofit in Bakhoun Technical College following the success of the crowdfunding campaign that raised 10,000 USD through donations and online support on Live Love Beirut Platform for Bakhoun Technical College. This project aims to decrease the load consumption of the college using renewable energy technologies and to reduce pollution loads.


The details of the Request for Quotations is downloadable on the following link

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